Mekane Selam Medhanealem Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church
Children’s Sunday School Program
The MekaneSelam Medhanealem Sunday School Program is committed to teach the word of God to children and help them understand and apply the truth of God’s words in attitude and service. We know that primary to a child’s spiritual development is the experience of being part of a warm and caring faith community.
Our classes are designed with bible studies, concrete life applications, the Ethiopian Orthodox teaching, Amharic lessons along with worship songs. This helps our children develop a sense of belonging to the community and helps them strengthen their identity by becoming spiritually strong members of the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo church.
The Sunday School Class is open every Sunday 9:00 am to 11:30 am. Classes are broken down in three levels:
- Children’s class aged 3 – 6 years learn the bible through stories and coloring activities,
- Children’s aged 7 – 12 years study biblical stories using different mediums with drawings, with games, with songs and with question and answer sessions and quizzes to reinforce their learning.
- Youth Class aged 13 and up: the program for this age group dives into bible stories through a mixture of hands on activities and in depth discussions and life applications.
We have 145 students in the program; about 90 of them are currently registered. We plan to officially register all of them.
The Sunday school Program is entirely staffed and run by VOLUNTEERS. Given the number of children, we are counting on parents to volunteer and help in assisting in the class as well as in other aspects of the Sunday School Program. Parent involvement is mandatory. Parents are expected to volunteer one Sunday at least every 3 to 4 months. We also encourage young adults to actively get involved and take part of this blessing. The continuous support of the congregation at large is also key to our progress. PLEASE JOIN US.
Currently, the teaching team for the children’s class consists of only five teachers. 145 children to 5 teachers!
These dedicated individuals have chosen to sacrifice their weekends in the ministry of children. However, we need more teachers to actively get involved. Please see below for volunteer opportunities & how to sign up.
Due to the large number of children, two assistants per class and one usher are greatly needed at any given Sunday.
The Sunday school program also relies on ushers to help set up classrooms, notify teachers of communion time and ensure that there are no children roaming around the church during class time.
Our two volunteer coordinators are responsible for scheduling our teacher assistants and ushers on a weekly basis.
Again we encourage volunteers to sign up and help in these positions. Please see below for volunteer opportunities.
Our current teaching materials come from the curriculum the priests have developed for us. Supplementary materials may be prepared by individual teachers or assistants. Classrooms are stocked with basic supplies, but we can always use more crayons, pens, pencils, photo copy paper, poster paper, craft materials for kids. These materials will help the teachers greatly to make the class interesting. Parents are encouraged to donate school supplies.
The teaching team for each class meets every 1st Tuesday of the month with Aba to get the curriculum for the month. Interested individuals and volunteers are welcome and encouraged to attend this once a month training.
An annual meeting of teachers, volunteers and assistants is scheduled at the start of each Sunday school year (September) to solicit more volunteers and discuss ways to improve the Sunday school program.
The children’s program is involved in various activities. The Sunday school program has expanded where it holds an annual Christmas Play and present mezmurs at various holiday seasons. In addition, each year in June, it holds an event honoring graduating seniors who are transitioning to college.
Furthermore, a college workshop with preparatory information is held annually for those still in high schools.
Throughout the summer, the Sunday School Program plans weekend outings with the children. Proposed ideas are visiting a nearby monastery, great America, or six flags, camping, Yosemite etc. In December during the season of giving, the youth class is encouraged to take leadership in a variety of service programs, for example volunteering at a homeless shelter preparing holiday meals, wrapping holiday gifts for children living in foster homes, or delivering meals to the needy.
Upon parent’s approval & a signed consent form, the Sunday School Program coordinates the outing.
Parents’ involvement and financial assistant is very crucial to make this happen.
If you enjoy working with kids and if you want to impact lives and form a strong Christ-centered foundation for children and the youth, this is the place to be. We are looking for several volunteers to help in our Sunday school program. Please consider signing up. Take a minute to look through the list of opportunities available and sign up in the area that suits you.
- Teacher
Regular teaching position: responsibility every other weekend, or as often as your personal calendars allow. Once a month (every 1st Tuesday of the month), teachers meet with Aba for curriculum training. Every other week, prepare lessons before teaching. Commitment level Expect to spend 2-3hrs a week.
- Teaching Assistant
Once every 3 months, under the directions of the teachers, assist students in the classroom. Volunteer coordinators will call in advance to schedule you. Expect to spend one Sunday every 3 months (9:00am – 11:30am in the morning).
- Ushers
Once every 3 months, set up classrooms in advance, roam around the church to make sure students are in class, inform teachers for communion time. Volunteer coordinators will call in advance to schedule you. Expect to spend one Sunday every 3 months (8:30am – 11:30am in the morning).
- Special occasion volunteers
Once or Twice a year. Assist in the Christmas play rehearsal, organizing costumes, supervise during rehearsal and actual performance. Assist in the annual student activities, summer programs, field trips and other activities.
Without our volunteers there will be no Sunday School Program.
Please share your precious time and your faith with our children. Your efforts will make a difference.
God Bless.